Thursday 22 February 2018

10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Application Development

A flawless application is on every developer’s wish list and while we wish for an application that does well with the users, sadly we don’t work towards it. There are a dozen and more ways to improve your application development and as a leading mobile application development company we continuously improve include them in our development check-list to ensure the app always stays up-to-date.

1. Comply with the guidelines
Follow the app quality guidelines and publishing checklist before uploading your app. At the time of submission, Google play requires a list of assets like icons, description, relevant screen shots, promo graphic, feature graphic, and a YouTube Video. Make sure you spare enough time to make these assets look great.

2. Play by the rules
Do not break rules by stealing content for an easy trick to get extra downloads. As tempting as it might look, it is not a good idea especially in the long run. This can lead to serious repercussions like your app getting banned from Google Play Store, the most important app store there is. Breaking the advertiser’s terms of services will result in your app getting banned from the store, something which no  Mobile Development Companies would want in the worst of their nightmares.

3. Try unconventional platform
While Google play store is the best app market there is, you can try uploading your app on various other platforms like Amazon app market. You can also give a shot to the Blackberry App World. With the online repackaging tools, it is relatively easy to convert Android APK for porting it to make it compatible on Blackberry app store. Though the market is low as compared to other app platforms like Google play store and App Store, publishing your app on unconventional app platforms will only increase your app’s popularity and reach.

4. Social media for the win
Make a Facebook page, Twitter page, Google+page, Pinterest account, Instagram page, all dedicated to your app. Join a Google+ community and promote it well. The more social media pages, the better.
Letting people know about your app is a good idea, especially with the whole world on social media, promoting your app is now a lot easier.

5. Advertise
Advertise your app exclusively on app platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Reddit and Google Adsence.
These are great platforms when it comes to advertising your apps and also the best part is they are free.
You can also consider Advertising on platforms like Tapgage, Admob, Mobpartner and others to enjoy increased exposure of your app.

6. Update your app every month
Refresh your app with new features and functionalities like new graphics, may be a revamped logo, better description. Take a cue from the reviews and comments on things your users would want you to include in your app and try adding those features in your app. Update your app to make it compatible to the new software updates.

7. Have a sale
It is tried and tested. Having a sale on app and in-app purchases will attract more paying customers.
Hold sale around special occasions, anniversaries, and birthdays to get more customers.

8. Focus on reviews and listings
A great way to get noticed by people is getting listed. You can try out some free and paid portals for these. It is a great way to get noticed by regular readers on Google searches.

9. Write a good description
When submitting your app to Google make sure you write a good detailed description of it. Use relevant keywords so that your app gets found on Google when people search out for similar services your app is offering.

10. Bonus tip
Try, try and try until you succeed. As a mobile app development company, perseverance is our greatest strength. And it has helped us achieve great results which otherwise would not have been possible if we would have given up.

Now that you know what it takes to improve your application, go give it a shot.
Work for the next big app that is out there. All the best!!

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